This bibliography contains items that have made significant use of Champion Centre resources, including staff and clients.
Publications in peer-reviewed journals and books:
Champion, P.R. (2005). “The At-Risk Infant – Approaches to Intervention”, in Early Childhood Intervention, International perspectives, national initiatives and regional practice, Carpenter, B & Egerton, J. (eds.) West Midlands SEN Regional Partnership. 39-52
Champion, P. R. (2000). Infant/maternal interactive social/emotional learning where the infant has a disability or is at risk for a disability. Infants & Young Children, 12(3), 10-16.
Champion, P. R. (1999). Die Begleitung sehr früh geborener Kinder von der Intensivstation durch das erste Lebensjahr. Autonomie und Dialog. Kleine Kinder in der Frühförderung. Ernst Reinhardt Verlag: München, 87-95.
Champion, P. R., & Lawson, R. (1996). Developmental competence in children with Down Syndrome: a two part study. The British Journal of Development Disabilities, 42(83), 112-124.
Champion, P. R., Lawson, R., & Sinclair, S. (1992). Plastic surgery for macroglossia in Downs syndrome: reported satisfaction of parents, immediate and three months postsurgery. The New Zealand Medical Journal, 105(937), 268-269.
Champion, P. R. (1987). An investigation of the sensorimotor development of down’s syndrome infants involved in an ecologically based early intervention programme: a longitudinal study. The British Journal of Mental Subnormality, 33(65), 88-99. [The version in the folder is an earlier report of this research.]
Chesney, A. R., & Champion, P. R. (2008). Understanding the dynamics between preterm infants and their families. Support for Learning, 23(3), 144-151.
Foster-Cohen, S. (2017). "Making the most of MOGUL: Reflections on interlanguage in childhood language disorders." International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 55.4 (2017): 349-364.
Foster-Cohen, S. (2011). “Acquisition of pragmatic competence” The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Languages Sciences, edited by Patrick Hogan, pp 643-646. (Cambridge University Press).
Foster-Cohen, S. (2004). “Communicative competence: linguistic aspects” in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences Elsevier Science. Editors-in-Chief: Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes. Pages 2319-2323
Foster-Cohen, S., van Bysterveldt, A. K. & Papp, V. (2020). “The roles of language use and vocabulary size in the emergence of word-combining in children with complex neurodevelopmental disabilities.” Journal of Child Language.
Foster-Cohen, S. & van Bysterveldt, A.K. (2020) “Pragmatic competence in Down syndrome”. In K. P. Schneider & E. Ifantidou (eds.) Developmental and Clinical Pragmatics (Handbooks of Pragmatics, 13), De Gruyter Mouton, 545-580.
Foster-Cohen, S. & Wong, T.P. (2017). “Early intervention at the interface: Semantic-Pragmatic Strategies for facilitating conversation with children with developmental disabilities” in I. Depraetere & R. Salkie (eds) Semantics and Pragmatics: Drawing a Line. Logic, Argumentation and Reasoning 11. P.163-181. Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
Foster-Cohen & van Bysterveldt, A. K. (2016). Assessing the communication development of children with language delay through parent multi-questionnaire reporting. Speech, Language and Hearing. 19:2, 79-86, DOI: 10.1080/2050571X.2015.1108067
Foster-Cohen, S. & van Bysterveldt, A. K. (2016) Early Childhood Inclusion in Aotearoa New Zealand. Infants and Young Children, 29(3), 214-222.
Foster-Cohen, S. & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2015). Evidence for the effectiveness of visual supports in helping children with disabilities access the mainstream primary school curriculum. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs. (March 2015) DOI: 10.1111/1471-3802.12105
Foster-Cohen, S., Friesen, M., Champion, P. & Woodward, L. (2010). High prevalence/low severity language delay in preschool children born very preterm" Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 31(8) 1-10
Foster-Cohen, S. Edgin, J., Champion, P. & Woodward, L. (2007). ‘Early Delayed Language Development in Very Preterm Infants: Evidence from the MacArthur-Bates CDI’. Journal of Child Language 34, 655-675.
Jones, K. M., Champion, P. R., & Woodward, L. J. (2013). Social competence of preschool children born very preterm. Early human development, 89(10), 795-802.
Logan, N. (2005) “Rock-a-bye blues: music as a tool for parents”, PMLD-Link 16(3), 37-39
Porter, L., van Heugten, K. & Champion, P. R. (2020). “The risk of low risk: First time motherhood, prematurity and dyadic well-being.” (Infant Mental Health Journal, early view, 22 June).
Pritchard, V. E., Clark, C. A., Liberty, K., Champion, P. R., Wilson, K., & Woodward, L. J. (2009). Early school-based learning difficulties in children born very preterm. Early human development, 85(4), 215-224.
Rietveld, C. M. (1994). "From inclusion to exclusion: Educational placements of children with Down syndrome." Australasian Journal of Special Education 18.2: 28-35.
Rietveld, C. M. (1986). "The adjustment to school of eight children with Down’s Syndrome from an early intervention program." Australia and New Zealand Journal of Developmental Disabilities 12.3: 159-175.
Rietveld, C. M. (1983). "The Training of Choice Behaviours in Down’s Syndrome and Nonretarded Preschool Children." Australia and New Zealand Journal of Developmental Disabilities 9.2: 75-83.
Rietveld, C. (1981)."Effects of Contingent Reinforcement for Peer Imitation on a Preschool Downs Syndrome Child." Australasian Journal of Special Education 5.2 : 30-33.
van Bysterveldt, A., Gillon, G. & Foster-Cohen, S. (2014). A phonological awareness intervention case study of a child with Down syndrome. Speech, Language, and Hearing 17(1): 25-36.
van Bysterveldt, A., Foster-Cohen, S. & Gillon, G.T. (2013). Engaging Families in Promoting Emerging Literacy for Children with Down Syndrome. In H. Kreider, M. Caspe, & D.B. Hiatt-Michael (Ed.), Promising Practices for Engaging Families in Literacy: 29-41. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Van Bysterveldt, A. K., Westerveld, M. K., Gillon, G. & Foster-Cohen, S. (2012). Personal narrative skills of school-aged children with Down syndrome. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders. 47 (1), 95-105
van Bysterveldt, A., Gillon, G., & Foster-Cohen, S. (2010). Integrated speech and phonological awareness intervention for pre-school children with Down syndrome. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 45(3), 320-335.
van Bysterveldt, A., Gillon, G., & Foster-Cohen, S. (2010). Literacy environments for children with Down syndrome: What’s happening at home? Down Syndrome Research and Practice 12(2);98-102.
van Bysterveldt, A.K., Gillon, G.T. & Moran, C. (2006). “Enhancing phonological awareness and letter knowledge in preschool children with Down syndrome”. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 53(3): 301-329.
Wong, T.P., Moran, C. & Foster-Cohen, S. (2012). The effects of expansions, questions and cloze procedures on children’s conversational skills. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 26(3), 273-287
Woodward, L.J., Moor, S., Hood, K., Champion, P.R., Inder, T.E., Foster-Cohen, S., & Austin, N. (2009) Four year neurodevelopmental outcomes of children born very preterm: Does comorbidity matter? Archives of the Diseases of Childhood. 94: 339-344.
Woodward L., Edgin J. & Champion P. (2006). The preterm infant: an example of early developmental risk. In Low J; Jose P (Ed.), Lifespan Development: New Zealand Perspectives: 39-49. Auckland: Pearson Education.
Wylie, J. & Foster-Cohen, S. (2013). Musical play as therapy in an early intervention programme. Approaches: Music Therapy and Special Music Education 5(1) 34-42.
Wylie, J., & S. Foster-Cohen (2007). "Music, the brain and wellbeing." Sound Arts 3.1 (2007): 13-14.
Wylie, J. (2006). The holistic learning outcomes of musical play for children with special needs. The First Years: Ngā Tau Tuatahi. New Zealand Journal of Infant and Toddler Education. 8(1), 29-33.
Wylie, J. (2006). The holistic learning outcomes of musical play for children with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome News and Update 5(2), 54-58.
Wylie, J. (1998). “Music is the key.” Sound Ideas: Music and Learning. 2(2), 42-45.
Wylie, J. (1996). Music, learning and your child. Canterbury University Press.
Wylie, J. (1995). Sell, D (Editor). Music and the small child. School of Music, University of Canterbury.
National and International Conference Presentations:
Carpenter, S. (2017). “The use of Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) in Early Intervention, within a multi-disciplinary setting, to support children and families to find their ‘voice’ and live positively with Developmental Dyspraxia/DCD.” Presentation to the 7th National Dyspraxia Conference, Christchurch, October 2017.
Carpenter, S. & Carpenter, B. (2017). “A mother and daughter's reflection on the journey of adoption, disability and finding a voice with AAC.” In Focus, Issue 42, Volume 1, 8-11.
Champion, P. R. (2013). “Prematurity and the Development of the Social Brain,” Institute of Neuroscience S.A.A.T. Conference, London, U.K. and University of Limerick, Ireland.
Champion, P.R. (2012). “Walking the Walk and Talking the Talk,” Clergy School Dioceses of Waikato and Taranaki, Hamilton, N.Z.
Champion, P.R. (2012). “Premature Infants: Their Past Their Present and Their Future,” International Complex Learning Difficulties and Disabilities Conference, Hamilton N.Z.
Champion, P.R. (2012). “From the Babe in Arms to the Brain in School – Consideration from Neuroscience for Teaching,” Infant Mental Health Association Conference, Wellington, N.Z.
Champion, P.R. (2009). “From the Babe in Arms to the Brain in School – Consideration from Neuroscience for Teaching,” Specialist Schools and Academies Trust, Peterborough, U.K.
Champion, P. R. (2007). “The preterm infant – implications for practice” MNC Conference, Madras, India.
Champion, P. R. (2007). “Disability and infant mental health – issue for clinical practice” Disabilities Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Champion, P. R. (2007). “The Down syndrome infant. “ UK Down Syndrome Association Annual Conference, London
Champion, P. R. (2007). “From fracture to repair – an intervention approach for preterm infants and their caregivers” EAEI Conference, Graz, Austria
Champion, P. R. (2005). “The at risk infant – approaches to intervention, the Champion Model” Earlyaid development Conference, Birmingham UK
Champion, P. R. (2004). “The infant with Down syndrome”. IASSID Conference, Montpelier, France
Champion, P. R. (2002). “Early intervention: reflections over 25 years. What was important then? What is important now?” NZASSID Conference, Christchurch, NZ
Champion, P. R. (2000). “From fracture to repair – the preterm infant”. European Union Clinical Seminars on Early Intervention, Graz, Austria
Champion, P. R. (1998). “Infant maternal interactive social-emotional learning where the infant has a disability or is at risk of a disability” 4th European Symposium on Early Intervention, Butgenbach, Belgium
Champion, P. R. (1998). “The care and management from a multi-disciplinary point of view of the very premature infant” 4th European Symposium on Early Intervention, Butgenbach, Belgium.
Champion, P.R (1997). “Feeding difficulties and the management of oesophageal atresia (a case study). Australasian Paediatric Society Annual Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Champion, P.R. (1992). “Premature babies – the need for early intervention” . Department of Psychology, University of Warwick, United Kingdom.
Davie-Gray, A. Moor, S.,& Woodward, L. (2019) “The Early Social Communication Skills in Toddlers Prenatally Exposed to Methadone.” Presentation to the 2019 New Zealand Psychological Society Annual Conference.
Foster-Cohen, S. (2017). “Using parent observation in family-centred practice”. Presentation at NUI Galway, Galway, Ireland 4th July 2017.
Foster-Cohen, S. (2016). “Parent and Professional Perceptions of Functional Development: Insights from the ABASII.” Paper presented at the world congress of the International Society on Early Intervention, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2016.
Foster-Cohen, S. (2009). A survey of experiences of people with Down syndrome in New Zealand. Presented to the New Zealand Down Syndrome Association conference, Christchurch.
Foster-Cohen, S., van Bysterveldt, A. & Papp, V. (2019). “Non-linear communication trajectories in children with multi-system disabilities”. Paper presented at the International Society on Early Intervention conference, Sydney, Australia 25-29th June 2019.
Foster-Cohen, S., Papp, V. & van Bysterveldt, A.K. (2018). “Unpacking Pragmatic Development in children with developmental disabilities” Paper presented to the Linguistic Society of New Zealand conference, Wellington, November 2018.
Foster-Cohen, S. “Short and long-term impacts of prematurity” (2017). Presentation at conference: Interdisciplinary perspectives on premature birth. Birmingham City University, 14th July 2017.
Foster-Cohen, S. & van Bysterveldt, A. (2017). “Using the LUI with children with multisystem disabilities”. Symposium presentation at the International Association for the Study of Child Language, Lyon, France, 21st July 2017.
Foster-Cohen, S. van Bysterveldt, A. & Papp, V. (2017). “Identifying pragmatic triggers for multi-word expressions in children with complex developmental delays”. Poster presentation at the International Association for the Study of Child Language, Lyon, France, 19th July 2017.
Foster-Cohen, S. & Murphy, J. A (2016). “Focus on Frequent Listening.” Paper presented at the world congress of the International Association of Early Intervention, Stockholm Sweden, June 2016.
Foster-Cohen, S., Anne van Bysterveldt, A.& Rees, B. (2016). “Parent Observations of the Language Use of Preschool Children with Down Syndrome” paper presented to the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Melbourne, August 2016
Foster-Cohen, S. & van Bysterveldt, A. (2015). “A challenge to hope: Uneven trajectories in children with developmental disabilities.” Paper presented at the 11th Early Childhood Convention, Rotorua, October 2015.
Gray, A. (2015). “Assessment and Monitoring of Children Born Premature”. Presentation to the national conference of the Infant mental Health Association of Aotearoa New Zealand (April 2015).
Gray, A., Champion, P., McKenzie, J., Foster-Cohen, S. (2019). “Evaluation of an Intervention Programme for Moderately Preterm Infants”. Poster presented at the International Society on Early Intervention conference, Sydney, Australia 25-29th June 2019.
Rees, B., Foster-Cohen, S. & van Bysterveldt, A. (2016). “Partnering with parents to understand the language use of preschool children with Down syndrome. New Zealand Speech Therapy Association conference, Auckland, September 2016
Rietveld, C. (2004). “Contextual factors affecting inclusion during children’s transitions from preschool to school. New Zealand Early Childhood Research Symposium, Wellington, November 2004.
Rietveld, C. (1996). “The development of literacy skills in children with down syndrome during their transition from preschool to school. Nelson, New Zealand: NZARE, December 1996.
Rietveld, C. (1988). “The development of children with down’s syndrome who are mainstreamed in the Christchurch area: A study of six children observed in 1984/5 (6-7 years) and in 1988. New Zealand Special Education Association Conference – Reaching Beyond. Christchurch, NZ Aug-Sept 1989.
Ritchie, R. & Murphy, J. (2016). “Hearing the Child’s Voice: Unpacking the Kete.” Paper presented at the world congress of the International Association of Early Intervention, Stockholm Sweden, June 2016.
Tatterson, C., Ritchie, R., Murphy, J & van Tongeren, L. (2012). "Building relational, face-to-face intimacy and engagement in young children with disorders of relating and communicating". Early Childhood Intervention Australia Conference, Perth Australia, 2012.
Van Bysterveldt, A. K., Foster-Cohen, S. & Papp, V. (2019). “Describing the transition from sign to word in the early vocabularies of young children with Down syndrome.” Paper presented at the International Society on Early Intervention conference, Sydney, Australia 25-29th June 2019.
Wylie, J. “Singing for Life” (2019). Presentation to the New Zealand Choral Connect Conference, Welllington Friday July 12th, 2019
Wylie, J. (2017). “The Positive Power of Musical Play” Presentation to the 7th National Dyspraxia Conference, Christchurch, October 2017
Wylie, J. (2017). “This is the Way We Sing and Play: musical play for children 0-8 years Building Self Esteem through Musical Play.” Keynote presentation Australian Christian Early Childhood Education Association National Conference ACECEA. 6-11th September, 2017.
Wylie, J. (2016) “The Key To Well-Being is Musical Play’” music workshop presented to the 32nd World Conference International Society for Music Education, Glasgow, Scotland 28th July 2016
Wylie, J. (2016). “Musical Play in a Nutshell” workshop presented to the Victorian Orff Schulwerk Association 20th Early Childhood Conference of Performing Arts, Melbourne, Australia 20-21 August 2016.
Wylie, J. (2016). “What’s in the Box?” music workshop presented to the Victorian Orff Schulwerk Association 20th Early Childhood Conference of Performing Arts, Melbourne, Australia 20-21 August 2016.
Wylie, J. (2012). "The Art of Musical Play in an Early Intervention programme," ISME conference, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Bennetts, L. & Foster-Cohen, S. "Working with Visuals". Workshop for Specialist Teachers in Training, University of Canterbury. (July 2015)
Croy, C. & Trotter, J. “The Champion Centre Feeding Experiences Programme”, presentation at the annual Paediatric Dysphagia Study Day, November, 2015.
Foster-Cohen, S. (on behalf of the Assessment and Monitoring Team). “Early intervention for developmental risk.” Paper presented at Birmingham City University, UK
Foster-Cohen, S. “Family-centred early intervention.” Workshop for Mental Health Education and Resource Centre (MHERC). October 13th 2016.
Frew, A-J. 'Making Sense: Understanding and supporting Sensory Needs and Differences'. Workshop for teachers hosted by Dyspraxia Support Group. September 2016.
Frew, J. “Sensory processing and feeding” presentation at the annual Paediatric Dysphagia Study Day, November, 2015.
Frew, J. “Sensory Processing/Foundational skills/Empathy development” Presentation to the Dyspraxia Support Group Tools for Teachers. September 2016
Frew. J. 'The Art and Science of Therapeutic play' Presentation to the 7th National Dyspraxia Conference, Christchurch, October 2017
Gosteva, A. “Strategic play therapy techniques for promoting self-regulation skills in children with disabilities”. Presentation to the Early Intervention Association of Aotearoa New Zealand. September 2016.
Gray, A. “The effects of prematurity” presentation to the East Christchurch Division of Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour. Christchurch.
Gray, A. & Bracken, H. "The impact of premature birth on infants and young children. Workshop for professionals". (October 2014)
Gray, A. Prematurity and its Effect on Children’s Development. Presentation to the Family Help Trust. (February 2015)
Murphy, J. & Ritchie, R. “Hearing the child’s voice” Presentation to students in the graduate diploma of specialist teaching, University of Canterbury, July 2016.
Murphy, J. & Ritchie, R. "Building relational face-to-face intimacy and engagement in young children with disorders of relating and communicating". Presentation to the Department of Communication Disorders, University of Canterbury. (March 2015)
Trotter, J. & Burrell, A. “Feeding intervention with young children: learning to eat”. Presentation at the Early Intervention Association of Aotearoa/New Zealand conference, 2005.
Wylie, J. “The power of musical play”. Workshops for early childhood centres in North West China. April 2017.
Wylie, J. “The Positive Power of Musical Play to support children’s communication and general learning” Macquarie University. September 2017.
Wylie, J. “The Positive Power of Musical Play”. Avondale College of Higher Learning, Sydney. September 2017
Wylie, J. “Leading, Following, Nurturing the Child Through Musical Play: Weaving the Strands” workshop for ECE teachers. Christchurch February 2016
Wylie, J. “Musical Play is the Key for Learning”. Workshop at the Institute of Registered Music Teachers National Conference Christchurch, January 2016
Wylie, J. “Connecting with Nature Through Musical Play” music workshop presented to the New Zealand Home Based Care National Conference, Christchurch, 17th September, 2016.
Wylie, J. “You don’t have to be a musician to use music in Early Intervention: Tips and tricks to enhance your practice” workshop presented to Early Intervention Association of Aotearoa New Zealand, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, 16th September, 2016
PhD, Masters and Honour Theses:
Aitken, R. ”An assessment of social-emotional development in a sample of developmentally delayed and normally developing infants and toddlers”. Master’s thesis. University of Canterbury, 1998.
Capon, D. “Invisible prematurity: identifying and supporting the learning and development of preschool children born prematurely not identified as needing early intervention”. Master’s thesis, University of Canterbury, 2008
Champion, P. R. “An investigation of the sensorimotor development of Down’s syndrome infants involved in an ecologically based early intervention programme. A longitudinal study. Doctoral thesis, University of Canterbury, 1982.
Davie-Gray, A. “The Early Development and Family Environments of Children Born to Mothers Engaged in Methadone Maintenance During Pregnancy”. Doctoral thesis. University of Canterbury, 2011.
Davison, J. “Self-regulation, joint engagement, and vocabulary development in preschool children with and without multi-system developmental delay” Master’s thesis. Department of Communication Disorders, University of Canterbury, 2013.
Hood, K. “Social Competence at Age 4 Years, of Children Born Very Preterm” Doctoral thesis, University of Canterbury. 2009.
Phillips, M. “Does the language of children born less than 28-weeks gestation differ from language-age matched pairs?” Master’s thesis. University of Canterbury, 2006.
Porter, L. “Mapping identity and connection : how first-time mothers make sense of premature birth. Doctoral thesis, University of Canterbury, 2017.
Rietveld, C. “The transition from preschool to school for children with Down syndrome: A challenge to regular education?” Doctoral thesis, University of Canterbury, 2002.
Tatterson, C. “The characteristics of parent-child interaction during a problem-solving task: A comparison of children with Down syndrome and typically developing children. Master’s thesis, University of Canterbury, 2001.
Van Bysterveldt, A. “Pre-literacy abilities of four-year-old New Zealand children with Down syndrome”. Master’s thesis, University of Canterbury, 2005.
Van Bysterveldt, A. “Speech, Phonological Awareness and Literacy in New Zealand Children with Down Syndrome”. Doctoral thesis. Department of Communication Disorders, University of Canterbury, 2009.
Worner, A. “Parent-child affectual behaviour: How moments of meeting can index change for dyads where the child has an autistic spectrum disorder” Master’s thesis, University of Canterbury, 2001.
Worner, A. “Tactile communication across the first year of life - the complexity of naturalistic dyadic patterns and the effects of contextual, age and affectual factors” Doctoral thesis, University of Canterbury, 2010.
Wong, T-P. “Changes in the conversational skills of preschool children with complex developmental difficulties.” Doctoral thesis, Department of Communication Disorders, University of Canterbury, 2012.
Other publications/dissemination:
Burgess-Manning, J. (2018). Earlybird. Children’s book for families with premature babies. Patricia Champion (joint editor). Kōtuku Press.
Champion, P. (1998). (contributor to) Traumatic brain injury rehabilitation guidelines. ACC and the National Health Committee. New Zealand Government.
Du Plessis, R. (2001). Accomplishing innovation: Developing Early Childhood Intervention Services for Children with Special Needs. A social history of the development of the Christchurch Early Intervention Programme. University of Canterbury.
Frew, J. (2015). “Screen time: how much is too much?” Parenting magazine. Nov/Dec 2015.
Foster-Cohen, S. (2009). A survey of experiences of people with Down syndrome in New Zealand: A parental questionnaire study. NZDSA Journal 40 (Autumn 2009), 22-24.
Foster-Cohen, S. & van Bysterveldt (2014). Learn Through Play and Daily Routines. A DVD resource for parents of children with Down syndrome. Borderless Productions, Auckland. For the New Zealand Down Syndrome Association.
Foster-Cohen, S. & van Bysterveldt (2012). Turn the page with me. A DVD resource for parents of children with Down syndrome. Borderless Productions, Auckland. For the New Zealand Down Syndrome Association.
Research First (2016). Investigating the value of the early intervention programme: A programme differentiation analysis. Research First report.
Rietveld, C. (2007). Starting preschool: How do children with and without Down syndrome become valued members of peer groups? Report: Graham Nuthall Classroom Research Trust.
Wylie, J. 2019. “The Power of Musical Play” Oh Baby! Issue 45 Autumn 2019.
[June 2020}
Champion, P.R. (2005). “The At-Risk Infant – Approaches to Intervention”, in Early Childhood Intervention, International perspectives, national initiatives and regional practice, Carpenter, B & Egerton, J. (eds.) West Midlands SEN Regional Partnership. 39-52
Champion, P. R. (2000). Infant/maternal interactive social/emotional learning where the infant has a disability or is at risk for a disability. Infants & Young Children, 12(3), 10-16.
Champion, P. R. (1999). Die Begleitung sehr früh geborener Kinder von der Intensivstation durch das erste Lebensjahr. Autonomie und Dialog. Kleine Kinder in der Frühförderung. Ernst Reinhardt Verlag: München, 87-95.
Champion, P. R., & Lawson, R. (1996). Developmental competence in children with Down Syndrome: a two part study. The British Journal of Development Disabilities, 42(83), 112-124.
Champion, P. R., Lawson, R., & Sinclair, S. (1992). Plastic surgery for macroglossia in Downs syndrome: reported satisfaction of parents, immediate and three months postsurgery. The New Zealand Medical Journal, 105(937), 268-269.
Champion, P. R. (1987). An investigation of the sensorimotor development of down’s syndrome infants involved in an ecologically based early intervention programme: a longitudinal study. The British Journal of Mental Subnormality, 33(65), 88-99. [The version in the folder is an earlier report of this research.]
Chesney, A. R., & Champion, P. R. (2008). Understanding the dynamics between preterm infants and their families. Support for Learning, 23(3), 144-151.
Foster-Cohen, S. (2017). "Making the most of MOGUL: Reflections on interlanguage in childhood language disorders." International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 55.4 (2017): 349-364.
Foster-Cohen, S. (2011). “Acquisition of pragmatic competence” The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Languages Sciences, edited by Patrick Hogan, pp 643-646. (Cambridge University Press).
Foster-Cohen, S. (2004). “Communicative competence: linguistic aspects” in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences Elsevier Science. Editors-in-Chief: Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes. Pages 2319-2323
Foster-Cohen, S., van Bysterveldt, A. K. & Papp, V. (2020). “The roles of language use and vocabulary size in the emergence of word-combining in children with complex neurodevelopmental disabilities.” Journal of Child Language.
Foster-Cohen, S. & van Bysterveldt, A.K. (2020) “Pragmatic competence in Down syndrome”. In K. P. Schneider & E. Ifantidou (eds.) Developmental and Clinical Pragmatics (Handbooks of Pragmatics, 13), De Gruyter Mouton, 545-580.
Foster-Cohen, S. & Wong, T.P. (2017). “Early intervention at the interface: Semantic-Pragmatic Strategies for facilitating conversation with children with developmental disabilities” in I. Depraetere & R. Salkie (eds) Semantics and Pragmatics: Drawing a Line. Logic, Argumentation and Reasoning 11. P.163-181. Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
Foster-Cohen & van Bysterveldt, A. K. (2016). Assessing the communication development of children with language delay through parent multi-questionnaire reporting. Speech, Language and Hearing. 19:2, 79-86, DOI: 10.1080/2050571X.2015.1108067
Foster-Cohen, S. & van Bysterveldt, A. K. (2016) Early Childhood Inclusion in Aotearoa New Zealand. Infants and Young Children, 29(3), 214-222.
Foster-Cohen, S. & Mirfin-Veitch, B. (2015). Evidence for the effectiveness of visual supports in helping children with disabilities access the mainstream primary school curriculum. Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs. (March 2015) DOI: 10.1111/1471-3802.12105
Foster-Cohen, S., Friesen, M., Champion, P. & Woodward, L. (2010). High prevalence/low severity language delay in preschool children born very preterm" Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 31(8) 1-10
Foster-Cohen, S. Edgin, J., Champion, P. & Woodward, L. (2007). ‘Early Delayed Language Development in Very Preterm Infants: Evidence from the MacArthur-Bates CDI’. Journal of Child Language 34, 655-675.
Jones, K. M., Champion, P. R., & Woodward, L. J. (2013). Social competence of preschool children born very preterm. Early human development, 89(10), 795-802.
Logan, N. (2005) “Rock-a-bye blues: music as a tool for parents”, PMLD-Link 16(3), 37-39
Porter, L., van Heugten, K. & Champion, P. R. (2020). “The risk of low risk: First time motherhood, prematurity and dyadic well-being.” (Infant Mental Health Journal, early view, 22 June).
Pritchard, V. E., Clark, C. A., Liberty, K., Champion, P. R., Wilson, K., & Woodward, L. J. (2009). Early school-based learning difficulties in children born very preterm. Early human development, 85(4), 215-224.
Rietveld, C. M. (1994). "From inclusion to exclusion: Educational placements of children with Down syndrome." Australasian Journal of Special Education 18.2: 28-35.
Rietveld, C. M. (1986). "The adjustment to school of eight children with Down’s Syndrome from an early intervention program." Australia and New Zealand Journal of Developmental Disabilities 12.3: 159-175.
Rietveld, C. M. (1983). "The Training of Choice Behaviours in Down’s Syndrome and Nonretarded Preschool Children." Australia and New Zealand Journal of Developmental Disabilities 9.2: 75-83.
Rietveld, C. (1981)."Effects of Contingent Reinforcement for Peer Imitation on a Preschool Downs Syndrome Child." Australasian Journal of Special Education 5.2 : 30-33.
van Bysterveldt, A., Gillon, G. & Foster-Cohen, S. (2014). A phonological awareness intervention case study of a child with Down syndrome. Speech, Language, and Hearing 17(1): 25-36.
van Bysterveldt, A., Foster-Cohen, S. & Gillon, G.T. (2013). Engaging Families in Promoting Emerging Literacy for Children with Down Syndrome. In H. Kreider, M. Caspe, & D.B. Hiatt-Michael (Ed.), Promising Practices for Engaging Families in Literacy: 29-41. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Van Bysterveldt, A. K., Westerveld, M. K., Gillon, G. & Foster-Cohen, S. (2012). Personal narrative skills of school-aged children with Down syndrome. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders. 47 (1), 95-105
van Bysterveldt, A., Gillon, G., & Foster-Cohen, S. (2010). Integrated speech and phonological awareness intervention for pre-school children with Down syndrome. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders 45(3), 320-335.
van Bysterveldt, A., Gillon, G., & Foster-Cohen, S. (2010). Literacy environments for children with Down syndrome: What’s happening at home? Down Syndrome Research and Practice 12(2);98-102.
van Bysterveldt, A.K., Gillon, G.T. & Moran, C. (2006). “Enhancing phonological awareness and letter knowledge in preschool children with Down syndrome”. International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 53(3): 301-329.
Wong, T.P., Moran, C. & Foster-Cohen, S. (2012). The effects of expansions, questions and cloze procedures on children’s conversational skills. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics 26(3), 273-287
Woodward, L.J., Moor, S., Hood, K., Champion, P.R., Inder, T.E., Foster-Cohen, S., & Austin, N. (2009) Four year neurodevelopmental outcomes of children born very preterm: Does comorbidity matter? Archives of the Diseases of Childhood. 94: 339-344.
Woodward L., Edgin J. & Champion P. (2006). The preterm infant: an example of early developmental risk. In Low J; Jose P (Ed.), Lifespan Development: New Zealand Perspectives: 39-49. Auckland: Pearson Education.
Wylie, J. & Foster-Cohen, S. (2013). Musical play as therapy in an early intervention programme. Approaches: Music Therapy and Special Music Education 5(1) 34-42.
Wylie, J., & S. Foster-Cohen (2007). "Music, the brain and wellbeing." Sound Arts 3.1 (2007): 13-14.
Wylie, J. (2006). The holistic learning outcomes of musical play for children with special needs. The First Years: Ngā Tau Tuatahi. New Zealand Journal of Infant and Toddler Education. 8(1), 29-33.
Wylie, J. (2006). The holistic learning outcomes of musical play for children with Down syndrome. Down Syndrome News and Update 5(2), 54-58.
Wylie, J. (1998). “Music is the key.” Sound Ideas: Music and Learning. 2(2), 42-45.
Wylie, J. (1996). Music, learning and your child. Canterbury University Press.
Wylie, J. (1995). Sell, D (Editor). Music and the small child. School of Music, University of Canterbury.
National and International Conference Presentations:
Carpenter, S. (2017). “The use of Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) in Early Intervention, within a multi-disciplinary setting, to support children and families to find their ‘voice’ and live positively with Developmental Dyspraxia/DCD.” Presentation to the 7th National Dyspraxia Conference, Christchurch, October 2017.
Carpenter, S. & Carpenter, B. (2017). “A mother and daughter's reflection on the journey of adoption, disability and finding a voice with AAC.” In Focus, Issue 42, Volume 1, 8-11.
Champion, P. R. (2013). “Prematurity and the Development of the Social Brain,” Institute of Neuroscience S.A.A.T. Conference, London, U.K. and University of Limerick, Ireland.
Champion, P.R. (2012). “Walking the Walk and Talking the Talk,” Clergy School Dioceses of Waikato and Taranaki, Hamilton, N.Z.
Champion, P.R. (2012). “Premature Infants: Their Past Their Present and Their Future,” International Complex Learning Difficulties and Disabilities Conference, Hamilton N.Z.
Champion, P.R. (2012). “From the Babe in Arms to the Brain in School – Consideration from Neuroscience for Teaching,” Infant Mental Health Association Conference, Wellington, N.Z.
Champion, P.R. (2009). “From the Babe in Arms to the Brain in School – Consideration from Neuroscience for Teaching,” Specialist Schools and Academies Trust, Peterborough, U.K.
Champion, P. R. (2007). “The preterm infant – implications for practice” MNC Conference, Madras, India.
Champion, P. R. (2007). “Disability and infant mental health – issue for clinical practice” Disabilities Conference, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Champion, P. R. (2007). “The Down syndrome infant. “ UK Down Syndrome Association Annual Conference, London
Champion, P. R. (2007). “From fracture to repair – an intervention approach for preterm infants and their caregivers” EAEI Conference, Graz, Austria
Champion, P. R. (2005). “The at risk infant – approaches to intervention, the Champion Model” Earlyaid development Conference, Birmingham UK
Champion, P. R. (2004). “The infant with Down syndrome”. IASSID Conference, Montpelier, France
Champion, P. R. (2002). “Early intervention: reflections over 25 years. What was important then? What is important now?” NZASSID Conference, Christchurch, NZ
Champion, P. R. (2000). “From fracture to repair – the preterm infant”. European Union Clinical Seminars on Early Intervention, Graz, Austria
Champion, P. R. (1998). “Infant maternal interactive social-emotional learning where the infant has a disability or is at risk of a disability” 4th European Symposium on Early Intervention, Butgenbach, Belgium
Champion, P. R. (1998). “The care and management from a multi-disciplinary point of view of the very premature infant” 4th European Symposium on Early Intervention, Butgenbach, Belgium.
Champion, P.R (1997). “Feeding difficulties and the management of oesophageal atresia (a case study). Australasian Paediatric Society Annual Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Champion, P.R. (1992). “Premature babies – the need for early intervention” . Department of Psychology, University of Warwick, United Kingdom.
Davie-Gray, A. Moor, S.,& Woodward, L. (2019) “The Early Social Communication Skills in Toddlers Prenatally Exposed to Methadone.” Presentation to the 2019 New Zealand Psychological Society Annual Conference.
Foster-Cohen, S. (2017). “Using parent observation in family-centred practice”. Presentation at NUI Galway, Galway, Ireland 4th July 2017.
Foster-Cohen, S. (2016). “Parent and Professional Perceptions of Functional Development: Insights from the ABASII.” Paper presented at the world congress of the International Society on Early Intervention, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2016.
Foster-Cohen, S. (2009). A survey of experiences of people with Down syndrome in New Zealand. Presented to the New Zealand Down Syndrome Association conference, Christchurch.
Foster-Cohen, S., van Bysterveldt, A. & Papp, V. (2019). “Non-linear communication trajectories in children with multi-system disabilities”. Paper presented at the International Society on Early Intervention conference, Sydney, Australia 25-29th June 2019.
Foster-Cohen, S., Papp, V. & van Bysterveldt, A.K. (2018). “Unpacking Pragmatic Development in children with developmental disabilities” Paper presented to the Linguistic Society of New Zealand conference, Wellington, November 2018.
Foster-Cohen, S. “Short and long-term impacts of prematurity” (2017). Presentation at conference: Interdisciplinary perspectives on premature birth. Birmingham City University, 14th July 2017.
Foster-Cohen, S. & van Bysterveldt, A. (2017). “Using the LUI with children with multisystem disabilities”. Symposium presentation at the International Association for the Study of Child Language, Lyon, France, 21st July 2017.
Foster-Cohen, S. van Bysterveldt, A. & Papp, V. (2017). “Identifying pragmatic triggers for multi-word expressions in children with complex developmental delays”. Poster presentation at the International Association for the Study of Child Language, Lyon, France, 19th July 2017.
Foster-Cohen, S. & Murphy, J. A (2016). “Focus on Frequent Listening.” Paper presented at the world congress of the International Association of Early Intervention, Stockholm Sweden, June 2016.
Foster-Cohen, S., Anne van Bysterveldt, A.& Rees, B. (2016). “Parent Observations of the Language Use of Preschool Children with Down Syndrome” paper presented to the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Melbourne, August 2016
Foster-Cohen, S. & van Bysterveldt, A. (2015). “A challenge to hope: Uneven trajectories in children with developmental disabilities.” Paper presented at the 11th Early Childhood Convention, Rotorua, October 2015.
Gray, A. (2015). “Assessment and Monitoring of Children Born Premature”. Presentation to the national conference of the Infant mental Health Association of Aotearoa New Zealand (April 2015).
Gray, A., Champion, P., McKenzie, J., Foster-Cohen, S. (2019). “Evaluation of an Intervention Programme for Moderately Preterm Infants”. Poster presented at the International Society on Early Intervention conference, Sydney, Australia 25-29th June 2019.
Rees, B., Foster-Cohen, S. & van Bysterveldt, A. (2016). “Partnering with parents to understand the language use of preschool children with Down syndrome. New Zealand Speech Therapy Association conference, Auckland, September 2016
Rietveld, C. (2004). “Contextual factors affecting inclusion during children’s transitions from preschool to school. New Zealand Early Childhood Research Symposium, Wellington, November 2004.
Rietveld, C. (1996). “The development of literacy skills in children with down syndrome during their transition from preschool to school. Nelson, New Zealand: NZARE, December 1996.
Rietveld, C. (1988). “The development of children with down’s syndrome who are mainstreamed in the Christchurch area: A study of six children observed in 1984/5 (6-7 years) and in 1988. New Zealand Special Education Association Conference – Reaching Beyond. Christchurch, NZ Aug-Sept 1989.
Ritchie, R. & Murphy, J. (2016). “Hearing the Child’s Voice: Unpacking the Kete.” Paper presented at the world congress of the International Association of Early Intervention, Stockholm Sweden, June 2016.
Tatterson, C., Ritchie, R., Murphy, J & van Tongeren, L. (2012). "Building relational, face-to-face intimacy and engagement in young children with disorders of relating and communicating". Early Childhood Intervention Australia Conference, Perth Australia, 2012.
Van Bysterveldt, A. K., Foster-Cohen, S. & Papp, V. (2019). “Describing the transition from sign to word in the early vocabularies of young children with Down syndrome.” Paper presented at the International Society on Early Intervention conference, Sydney, Australia 25-29th June 2019.
Wylie, J. “Singing for Life” (2019). Presentation to the New Zealand Choral Connect Conference, Welllington Friday July 12th, 2019
Wylie, J. (2017). “The Positive Power of Musical Play” Presentation to the 7th National Dyspraxia Conference, Christchurch, October 2017
Wylie, J. (2017). “This is the Way We Sing and Play: musical play for children 0-8 years Building Self Esteem through Musical Play.” Keynote presentation Australian Christian Early Childhood Education Association National Conference ACECEA. 6-11th September, 2017.
Wylie, J. (2016) “The Key To Well-Being is Musical Play’” music workshop presented to the 32nd World Conference International Society for Music Education, Glasgow, Scotland 28th July 2016
Wylie, J. (2016). “Musical Play in a Nutshell” workshop presented to the Victorian Orff Schulwerk Association 20th Early Childhood Conference of Performing Arts, Melbourne, Australia 20-21 August 2016.
Wylie, J. (2016). “What’s in the Box?” music workshop presented to the Victorian Orff Schulwerk Association 20th Early Childhood Conference of Performing Arts, Melbourne, Australia 20-21 August 2016.
Wylie, J. (2012). "The Art of Musical Play in an Early Intervention programme," ISME conference, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Bennetts, L. & Foster-Cohen, S. "Working with Visuals". Workshop for Specialist Teachers in Training, University of Canterbury. (July 2015)
Croy, C. & Trotter, J. “The Champion Centre Feeding Experiences Programme”, presentation at the annual Paediatric Dysphagia Study Day, November, 2015.
Foster-Cohen, S. (on behalf of the Assessment and Monitoring Team). “Early intervention for developmental risk.” Paper presented at Birmingham City University, UK
Foster-Cohen, S. “Family-centred early intervention.” Workshop for Mental Health Education and Resource Centre (MHERC). October 13th 2016.
Frew, A-J. 'Making Sense: Understanding and supporting Sensory Needs and Differences'. Workshop for teachers hosted by Dyspraxia Support Group. September 2016.
Frew, J. “Sensory processing and feeding” presentation at the annual Paediatric Dysphagia Study Day, November, 2015.
Frew, J. “Sensory Processing/Foundational skills/Empathy development” Presentation to the Dyspraxia Support Group Tools for Teachers. September 2016
Frew. J. 'The Art and Science of Therapeutic play' Presentation to the 7th National Dyspraxia Conference, Christchurch, October 2017
Gosteva, A. “Strategic play therapy techniques for promoting self-regulation skills in children with disabilities”. Presentation to the Early Intervention Association of Aotearoa New Zealand. September 2016.
Gray, A. “The effects of prematurity” presentation to the East Christchurch Division of Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour. Christchurch.
Gray, A. & Bracken, H. "The impact of premature birth on infants and young children. Workshop for professionals". (October 2014)
Gray, A. Prematurity and its Effect on Children’s Development. Presentation to the Family Help Trust. (February 2015)
Murphy, J. & Ritchie, R. “Hearing the child’s voice” Presentation to students in the graduate diploma of specialist teaching, University of Canterbury, July 2016.
Murphy, J. & Ritchie, R. "Building relational face-to-face intimacy and engagement in young children with disorders of relating and communicating". Presentation to the Department of Communication Disorders, University of Canterbury. (March 2015)
Trotter, J. & Burrell, A. “Feeding intervention with young children: learning to eat”. Presentation at the Early Intervention Association of Aotearoa/New Zealand conference, 2005.
Wylie, J. “The power of musical play”. Workshops for early childhood centres in North West China. April 2017.
Wylie, J. “The Positive Power of Musical Play to support children’s communication and general learning” Macquarie University. September 2017.
Wylie, J. “The Positive Power of Musical Play”. Avondale College of Higher Learning, Sydney. September 2017
Wylie, J. “Leading, Following, Nurturing the Child Through Musical Play: Weaving the Strands” workshop for ECE teachers. Christchurch February 2016
Wylie, J. “Musical Play is the Key for Learning”. Workshop at the Institute of Registered Music Teachers National Conference Christchurch, January 2016
Wylie, J. “Connecting with Nature Through Musical Play” music workshop presented to the New Zealand Home Based Care National Conference, Christchurch, 17th September, 2016.
Wylie, J. “You don’t have to be a musician to use music in Early Intervention: Tips and tricks to enhance your practice” workshop presented to Early Intervention Association of Aotearoa New Zealand, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, 16th September, 2016
PhD, Masters and Honour Theses:
Aitken, R. ”An assessment of social-emotional development in a sample of developmentally delayed and normally developing infants and toddlers”. Master’s thesis. University of Canterbury, 1998.
Capon, D. “Invisible prematurity: identifying and supporting the learning and development of preschool children born prematurely not identified as needing early intervention”. Master’s thesis, University of Canterbury, 2008
Champion, P. R. “An investigation of the sensorimotor development of Down’s syndrome infants involved in an ecologically based early intervention programme. A longitudinal study. Doctoral thesis, University of Canterbury, 1982.
Davie-Gray, A. “The Early Development and Family Environments of Children Born to Mothers Engaged in Methadone Maintenance During Pregnancy”. Doctoral thesis. University of Canterbury, 2011.
Davison, J. “Self-regulation, joint engagement, and vocabulary development in preschool children with and without multi-system developmental delay” Master’s thesis. Department of Communication Disorders, University of Canterbury, 2013.
Hood, K. “Social Competence at Age 4 Years, of Children Born Very Preterm” Doctoral thesis, University of Canterbury. 2009.
Phillips, M. “Does the language of children born less than 28-weeks gestation differ from language-age matched pairs?” Master’s thesis. University of Canterbury, 2006.
Porter, L. “Mapping identity and connection : how first-time mothers make sense of premature birth. Doctoral thesis, University of Canterbury, 2017.
Rietveld, C. “The transition from preschool to school for children with Down syndrome: A challenge to regular education?” Doctoral thesis, University of Canterbury, 2002.
Tatterson, C. “The characteristics of parent-child interaction during a problem-solving task: A comparison of children with Down syndrome and typically developing children. Master’s thesis, University of Canterbury, 2001.
Van Bysterveldt, A. “Pre-literacy abilities of four-year-old New Zealand children with Down syndrome”. Master’s thesis, University of Canterbury, 2005.
Van Bysterveldt, A. “Speech, Phonological Awareness and Literacy in New Zealand Children with Down Syndrome”. Doctoral thesis. Department of Communication Disorders, University of Canterbury, 2009.
Worner, A. “Parent-child affectual behaviour: How moments of meeting can index change for dyads where the child has an autistic spectrum disorder” Master’s thesis, University of Canterbury, 2001.
Worner, A. “Tactile communication across the first year of life - the complexity of naturalistic dyadic patterns and the effects of contextual, age and affectual factors” Doctoral thesis, University of Canterbury, 2010.
Wong, T-P. “Changes in the conversational skills of preschool children with complex developmental difficulties.” Doctoral thesis, Department of Communication Disorders, University of Canterbury, 2012.
Other publications/dissemination:
Burgess-Manning, J. (2018). Earlybird. Children’s book for families with premature babies. Patricia Champion (joint editor). Kōtuku Press.
Champion, P. (1998). (contributor to) Traumatic brain injury rehabilitation guidelines. ACC and the National Health Committee. New Zealand Government.
Du Plessis, R. (2001). Accomplishing innovation: Developing Early Childhood Intervention Services for Children with Special Needs. A social history of the development of the Christchurch Early Intervention Programme. University of Canterbury.
Frew, J. (2015). “Screen time: how much is too much?” Parenting magazine. Nov/Dec 2015.
Foster-Cohen, S. (2009). A survey of experiences of people with Down syndrome in New Zealand: A parental questionnaire study. NZDSA Journal 40 (Autumn 2009), 22-24.
Foster-Cohen, S. & van Bysterveldt (2014). Learn Through Play and Daily Routines. A DVD resource for parents of children with Down syndrome. Borderless Productions, Auckland. For the New Zealand Down Syndrome Association.
Foster-Cohen, S. & van Bysterveldt (2012). Turn the page with me. A DVD resource for parents of children with Down syndrome. Borderless Productions, Auckland. For the New Zealand Down Syndrome Association.
Research First (2016). Investigating the value of the early intervention programme: A programme differentiation analysis. Research First report.
Rietveld, C. (2007). Starting preschool: How do children with and without Down syndrome become valued members of peer groups? Report: Graham Nuthall Classroom Research Trust.
Wylie, J. 2019. “The Power of Musical Play” Oh Baby! Issue 45 Autumn 2019.
[June 2020}