Connecting with Others at The Champion Centre
Parents and caregivers tell us that in addition to their child’s therapy, one of the important things about coming to The Champion Centre are the connections they and their children make with other families. Connecting with others who share an understanding of some of the challenges of parenting children with disabilities or developmental challenges can be incredibly supportive and helpful. Morning Tea Never underestimate the value of morning tea! Each morning at The Champion Centre, our programmes pause for Morning Tea. Staff provide good coffee, tea and biscuits for parents and caregivers while children sit together at the kai table. It’s a time when parents can chat with one another and with staff in an informal way, share information and experiences while taking a break. And some of our wonderful supporters certainly understand the value of morning tea. We’d like to give a big ‘shout out’ to Burnside Women’s Institute for their recent generous donation of numerous packets of biscuits. Thanks very much ladies, we appreciate you! Mum’s Support Group We are currently offering a 6-week mothers’ support group. This is a relaxed group which offers a safe and supported space to reflect on experiences and feelings alongside others walking a similar path. For Mums who attend the Champion Centre it is co-facilitated by Lauren Porter and Marguerite Wilson. We’re also looking at offering a Dad’s Group if there is interest. We're on Instagram! Please follow us on our new Instagram page: The Champion Centre (@champion_centre) Comments are closed.